Laura Vargas
Is a Colombian illustrator based in Antwerp, Belgium.
After studying Fine Arts and Illustration for Children’s Books in her homeland, she decided to bring education knowledge into her work and completed a Master’s in Early Childhood Education in Boston, USA. Inspired by the importance of children’s play she wrote and illustrated her first book for children in 2013: “De Vuelta”, printed with Ediciones B, Spain. Today, she combines both professions; illustration and education; to create soft and delicate images which reflect the relationship of children with literacy. She also gives art workshops to both children and adults.
She uses classic materials like ink, watercolor and pencil combining them with digital media to create contrasts between the spontaneity and flow from the handmade traces and the sharpness from vectorized colors and lines.
Her work has been seen in children’s books, murals, program booklets and brochures among others. Her clients include the Red Starline Museum, Antwerp Libraries, ‘T Werkhuys and Merksem District Town Hall.

experiment with image to create connections
Selected Clients

2019 Reginald en de bosbeesten original drawings. Library Park, Antwerpen. (BE)
2018 The Lauboratorium from Laura Vargas. Colombian Consulate, Brussel. (BE)
2015 Animalario. Cafe Biota, Gent (BE)
2008 The princess who wasn’t. Los Andes Universiteit, Bogotá. (COL)
2020 Destination Sweetheart, Red Star Line Museum. Antwerpen (BE)
2019 Latinoamérica en Concierto, Belgic- Colombian work for children’s wellbeing. Brussel (BE)
2019 Storytelling through visual language. Permeke Library en Atlas, Antwerpen (BE)
2018 Thuishoren (Belong), art collective Amorika. Zermatt in Cafe Pura Vida, Borgerhout. (BE)
2016 I am Amorika. ‘T Werkhuys, Borgerhout. (BE)
2010 Master’s Salon. San Rafael, Bogotá. (COL)
2009 Second National children's illustration Salon. Gabriel Garcia Marquez Center, Bogota. (COL)
+32 494 82 2613 |